Thursday, July 30, 2009


July 30, 2009
Hard to believe another month is almost over! July flew by. It is normally my least favorite month of the year because it is pure summer. This year, it hasn’t been too bad in the weather department. I have had days when I am too hot. But then I find some shade or jump in the shower in the evening when it cools off. Sleeping weather has been excellent! Of course, jumping into the shower here is not quite as nice, since there is mildew everywhere. We know they don’t clean the bathrooms each day because Bill has noticed the same beer bottle in the men’s bathroom for a few days now. He was in there at 5:30 in the morning the other day having a conversation about how yucky the bathroom is with some other guy. The guy said that he had been thinking about stopping in Bismarck, but he came to Moorhead instead. Too bad for him. Bismarck was great. This is the worst campground we’ve been in.
I am happy this morning because my friend, Karen, emailed me and said the workshop on Celtic blessings she did was a success. To read more about what she is doing, go to her website at
Her blessings are really special and she does a great job with her workshops so that people can learn to write their own. It’s a beautiful and unique way to let people know how much you care about them.
We had a little rain yesterday afternoon and night, but the showers were scattered enough and light enough that the tent did not leak. That’s good. Chance for more showers today, but the good thing is that it will only be in the 60s. Klamath Falls is in the 100s and the pollution is building. I am grateful to not be there!

We tried to walk around the trail of the Minnesota State University Moorhead trail at the science center where they are restoring the tall grass prairie habitat. We did a bit of one trail, but then the mosquitoes came out and since Bill and Heather seem to be very flavorful to mosquitoes, we had to leave. But while we were there it was lovely--very quiet and peaceful. It was a real reminder to pay attention. You look out over the prairie and see grass which looks like a sea of green. But when you’re close, there are wildflowers all over. I enjoyed it.